Very happy to announce that our consortium grant application to ERA-NET NEURON Translational Research Call on Sensory Disorders is funded. In our project CoSySpeech: The Functional Role of Cochlear Synaptopathy for Speech Coding in the Brain, we will be working with a fantastic team of partners, including locally Dr. E. Gaudrain, UMCG; and international partners of Prof. Sarah Verhulst, Ghent Univ, Belgium; Dr. Jérôme Bourien and Prof. Jean-Luc Puel, France; Prof. Manuel Malmierca, Spain; and Prof. Marlies Knipper, Dr. Lukas Rüttiger, and Dr. Kerstin Just, Germany.
We aim high, will try to fill the gap between animal work and models and human speech perception in cochlear synaptopathy.
Other funded proposals and a summary of our proposal can be found here: