Grants (also by group members)

2024 – 2028  H2020 Doctoral Network VoCS
(Beneficiary, Co-PIs: Dr. L. Rachman, Dr. G. Araiza-Illan)
The Voice Communication Sciences project

2024 – 2026 Universiteit van het Noorden – Aanjaagfonds
(Given to Lab Member; PIs: Lieke Brons, Drenthe College, Noorderpoort, Alfa-college; Sanja Balalic, Hanzehogeschool; Jenny van Doorn, Faculty of Economics and Business, RUG; Gloria Araiza-Illan, ENT Department, UMCG)
Interdisciplinary human-robot teams for a future-proof Northern Netherlands healthcare system

2024 – 2025   Het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie
(Role: Host, PI: Dr. E. Harding, Culture partner: Het Clockhuys)
Gehoor in Koor: een project voor ouderen met gehoorverlies

2023 – 2025   The SingWell Project
(Co-PI’s: Lo, C. Y., Good, A., Zendel, B., Başkent, D., Harding, E., Rachman, L., Coffey, E., Habibi, A., Kreutz, G., Siedenburg, K., Sharma, M., Henshaw, H., McKay, C., Russo, F.)
Multisite choir study for older adults with untreated hearing loss

2023   Fonds Klinisch Onderzoek en Onderwijs, UMCG
(Role: PI, co-PI: Dr. G. Araiza-Illan)
UMCG Robots in Healthcare

2022 – 2026  UMCG Kolff Institute PhD funding
(Role: Promotor, co-promotor: Dr. Etienne Gaudrain, PhD Student PI: Floris Rotteveel)
Pitch perception in cochlear implants: Using real-life sounds to get back on the right track

2022 – 2024   ZonMw Programma Expertisefunctie Zintuiglijk Gehandicapten
(Role: Partner, PI: Dr. Laura Rachman,
Partners: Dr. E. Dirks, NSDSK; Dr. R. Benard, Pento/UMCG)
Ik hoor je lachen, ik zie je huilen: auditieve en visuele emotieherkenning bij kinderen met hoortoestellen (eFAVO)

2022 Program of Incentive Funds, Interdisciplinary Projects, RUG
(Given to Lab Members: Co-PIs: Dr. L. Rachman, Dr. E. Harding, Collaborator: Dr. A. Sarampalis)
Older adults at the cocktail party: is it better with a musical background?

2021 – 2025   Turkish Ministry of National Education PhD funding
(Role: Promotor, co-promotor: Dr. Thomas Koelewijn, PhD: Drs. Soner Türüdü)

Screening of Auditory Function in geriatric Elderly (SAFE)

2021 – 2025   ERA-NET NEURON Translational Research on Sensory Disorders
(Partner in consortium with: Dr. E. Gaudrain, UMCG; Prof. Sarah Verhulst, Ghent Univ, Belgium; Dr. Jérôme Bourien and Prof. Jean-Luc Puel, France; Prof. Manuel Malmierca, Spain; and Prof. Marlies Knipper, Dr. Lukas Rüttiger, and Dr. Kerstin Just, Germany)

CoSySpeech: The functional role of cochlear synaptopathy for speech coding in the brain

2021 – 2024   ZonMw Programma Expertisefunctie Zintuiglijk Gehandicapten
Partner in consortium with: Dr. E. Dirks, NSDSK; Dr. R. Benard, Pento/UMCG)
AUDIOLISTIC: Insight in the conditions to participate in daily life for young children with moderate hearing loss: Towards an acoustic friendly and high-quality linguistic environment

2021 – 2022     International Research PhD Fellowship, TUBITAK
(Co-supervisor, PhD student: Drs. G. Babaoglu, PhD supervisor: Prof. Gonca Sennaroglu, Hacettepe University)

2021 – 2022     Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher Grant
(Role: Co-supervisor, PhD student: Drs. P. Ertürk, Host PI: Prof. J. Arenberg, Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Harvard Medical School)
Comparing speech on speech perception between normal hearing and hearing impaired listeners

2020 – 2024    Dorhout Mees Stichting (Role: PI, Co-PI: Dr. E. Harding)
The CI GAME: Musical training with Guided AudioMotor Exploration for cochlear-implant users

2020 – 2024  University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, PhD scholarship
(Role: Co-promotor, Promotor: Prof. W. Lowie, PhD: N. Jansen, co-supervisors: Dr. H. Loerts, Dr. E. Harding)
Music perception skills and the acquisition of second language prosody

2020 – 2024   UMCG Kolff Institute PhD funding
(Role: Promotor, co-promotors: Dr. Gloria Araiza-Illan, Dr. L. Rachman, PhD: L. Meyer)

R2D2 for KNO: Use of a Humanoid Robot for Rehabilitation of Deaf Individuals

2019 – 2024    Sonova Industry Support
(Co-PIs: Dr. L. Rachman, Dr. E. Gaudrain, Prof. G. Sennaroğlu, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Collaboration: Dr. M. Chatterjee, Boystown; Dr. Gurjit Singh, Sonova)
Vocal emotion perception in children with hearing aids

2017 – 2023   NWO ZonMw VICI  (Role: PI)
It takes two to communicate: Voice perception and linguistic content

2017 – 2022  University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, PhD scholarship
(Role: Co-promotor, Promotor: Prof. W. Lowie, PhD: M. Everhardt, co-supervisor: Dr. T. Sarampalis, Collaborator: Dr. M. Coler)
Perception of L2 prosody in cochlear implant simulations

2017 – 2021   NWO VENI  (Role: Host, PI: Dr. Terrin Tamati)
More than words: Uncovering the effects of talkers’ voices on real-life speech perception by cochlear implant users

2016 – 2020   H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 (Beneficiary, co-beneficiary: Dr. A. Wagner)
ENRICH: Enriched communication across the lifespans

2016 – 2020   UMCG BCN Brain PhD funding
(Role: Co-promotor, Promotor: Prof. F. Cornelissen, PhD: Drs. M. De Boer)

Perceiving the emotion in communication by persons with combined visual and auditory impairment

2016 – 2020    UitZicht (Role: Co-PI with Prof. F. Cornelissen)
What visual speech cues help visually impaired people?

2016 – 2019   UMCG Mandema Stipendium
(Supervisor, Co-supervisor: Dr. R. Free, PI: Drs. C. Fuller)
Auditory perception in early-deafened, late-implanted cochlear-implant users

2015 – 2016   MED-EL Industry Support (Role: Co-PI, Co-PI: Dr. A. Wagner)
Aging effects on adaptation following cochlear implantation

2014 – 2018   2+2 Advanced Bionics UMCG grant (Role: Co-PI, Co-PI: Dr. E. Gaudrain)
Enhancing speech-in-noise perception by optimizing frequency allocation

2013 – 2016   UMCG BCN Brain PhD funding (Role: PI, PhD: Drs. A. Luckmann)
Bringing state-of-the art to better management of deafness: Using neurofeedback to increase cochlear implant performance.

2013 – 2015   FP7 Marie-Curie Intraeuropean Fellowship  (Role: Host, PI: Dr. A. Wagner)
MARCI: Mental representations of and adaptation to the speech signal transmitted
via cochlear implants: How the impoverished signal finds its way to the mental lexicon

2013   Advanced Bionics Industry Support (Co-PIs: Dr. R. Free, Drs. C. Fuller)
Music therapies and training with cochlear-implant users

2012   Action in Hearing Loss, UK (Role: Co-PI, PI: Prof. P. van Dijk)
Impaired gap detection: translation to human tinnitus

2012   NWO Aspasia, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (Role: PI)

2012   Stichting Steun Gehoorgestoorde Kind (Co-PI)
Quantification of listening effort with cochlear implants

2010 – 2015    NWO VIDI, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (Role: PI)
The curious case of phonemic restoration: a cognitive approach to speech perception with hearing impairment

2010 – 2014    Cochlear Europe Ltd. Industry Support
Optimization and identification of bimodal/bilateral benefits with cochlear implants

2010 – 2013    NWO ZonMw, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (Co-PI)
A safe auditory environment for persons with visual and intellectual disabilities

2010   Doorhout Mees Stichting (Co-PI)
Optimization of electric-acoustic hearing

2010 – Present    Heinsius Houbolt Fonds (Co-PI)

2009 – 2014    RUG/UMCG Rosalind Franklin Fellowship

2009   NIH/NIDCD RO3 (Recommended for funding)
Phonemic restoration and its impairments

2004 – 2005   The National Organization of Hearing Research (NOHR)
Is the information transmission by cochlear implants limited by listeners‘ peripheral auditory system?