Minke de Boer will be dr. de Boer on 13 October

Minke de Boer will be defending her PhD on Wednesday, 13 October 2001, 16:15hr.

Minke was co-supervised by me and Frans Cornelissen, in a truly collaborative project between KNO and Ophthalmology departments. Minke explored audiovisual emotion perception with audio and visual impairments, using also eye tracking methods. Her thesis title is: “Keeping track of emotions: Audiovisual integration for emotion recognition and compensation for sensory degradations captured by perceptual strategies” and the link to the book is here:

The defense will also be broadcasted at this link:

Leanne Nagels is Dr. Nagels!

Leanne Nagels successfully defended her PhD on 23 September. Leanne’s thesis title is “From Voice to Speech: the perception of voice characteristics and speech in children with cochlear implants.” The reading committee was Prof. Carolyn McGettigan, Prof. Hartmut Meister, and Prof. Wander Lowie.

The thesis can be downloaded here:

A recording of the defense is at this link:



dB SPL presenting at 3rd International Music and CI Symposium

The 3rd International Music and CI Symposium will be held in Cambridge, 15-16 Sep 2021, and organized by the Cambridge Hearing Group. Deniz will give an invited talk on potential music training effects on vocal emotion perception, a difficult task by many implant users. The other presentations are:

  • Is there a musician advantage in speech-on-speech perception in older age? Ryan Gray, Laura Rachman, Etienne Gaudrain, Anastasios Sarampalis, Eleanor Harding, Deniz Başkent
  • Musical emotion categorization with simulated cochlear implant hearing, Imke Hrycyk; Etienne Gaudrain; Barbara Tillmann; Robert Harris; Bert Maat; Rolien Free; Christina Fuller;Eleanor Harding & Deniz Başkent
  • Guided audiometer exploration (GAME), Eleanor Harding, Robert Harris, Etienne Gaudrain, Barbara Tillmann, Christina Fuller, Rolien Free, Bert Maat, Deniz Başkent
  • Preliminary findings on the mistuning perception in cochlear implant recipients, Mustafa Yüksel

Deniz giving an invited talk at Cochlear CRSR Symposium on Bimodal Implantation in Adults, 8 July 2021

Deniz is invited to give a talk at the next Cochlear Science and Research Seminar (CSRS) on the topic of  Bimodal Implantation in the Adult Population. The talk will cover our recent work on voice perception, especially with a focus on voice pitch perception and voice gender categorisation, with bimodal implant simulations.

The full program is here:


New consortium project Audiolistic with NSDSK and Pento is funded!

Proud to announce that our new project Audiolistic in partnerships with NSDSK and Pento is funded by  ZonMw Programma Expertisefunctie Zintuiglijk Gehandicapten.
The official title our project is “Insight in the conditions to participate in daily life for young children with moderate hearing loss: Towards an acoustic friendly and high-quality linguistic environment”, and more details can be found at ZonMw project website.

Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher Grant for our Hacettepe student Pınar Ertürk

Pınar Ertürk has been awarded Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher Grant. She was invited by Emerging Auditory Research Lab led by Dr. Julie Arenberg at Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Harvard Medical School, for one academic year research visit starting from 8th Feb 2021.

Dr. Arenberg’s research focuses on improving speech perception abilities and listening experience of  hearing impaired pediatrics and adults by using a translational approach. Pınar will be working as a visiting researcher of Dr. Arenberg’s Lab on the purpose of conducting her Phd thesis research about speech on speech perception of hearing impaired individuals.

New consortium project CoSySpeech funded by ERA-NET NEURON

Very happy to announce that our consortium grant application to ERA-NET NEURON Translational Research Call on Sensory Disorders is funded. In our project CoSySpeech: The Functional Role of Cochlear Synaptopathy for Speech Coding in the Brain, we will be working with a fantastic team of partners, including locally Dr. E. Gaudrain, UMCG; and international partners of Prof. Sarah Verhulst, Ghent Univ, Belgium; Dr. Jérôme Bourien and Prof. Jean-Luc Puel, France; Prof. Manuel Malmierca, Spain; and Prof. Marlies Knipper, Dr. Lukas Rüttiger, and Dr. Kerstin Just, Germany.
We aim high, will try to fill the gap between animal work and models and human speech perception in cochlear synaptopathy.
Other funded proposals and a summary of our proposal can be found here: