WAS-dag in Groningen, 29 May 2019

The next WAS-dag (Meeting Werkgemeenschap Auditief Systeem) will take place in Groningen, on 29 May 2019.


  • 10:25 Artificial mechanosensory lateral lines: from sensing principles to sensing applications, Ben Wolf, Sietse van Netten (RUG)
  • 10:55  Functional Organization of Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurons in the Mouse Dorsal Inferior Colliculus revealed by Two-Photon Microscopy, Aaron B. Wong, Alba M. Esteban, J. Gerard G. Borst (Erasmus MC)
  • 11:45 Assessing the level of consciousness for individual patients using complex, statistical sounds, B. Englitz, U. Gorska (Donders Institute, Nijmegen)
  • 12:15 Multisensory spatial recalibration of auditory localization after simulated conductive asymmetrical hearing loss. Nathan Van der Stoep, Stefan Van der Stigchel, & Mark T. Wallace. (UU, Utrecht)
  • 13:30 School-age children’s development in sensitivity to voice gender cues is dissociated. Leanne Nagels, Etienne Gaudrain, Debi Vickers, Petra Hendriks, and Deniz Başkent (Groningen, UCL)
  • 14:00 Neural coding of the sound envelope is changed in the inferior colliculus immediately following acoustic trauma. Amarins Heeringa en Pim van Dijk (Groningen, Oldenburg)
  • 14:50 Interaction between the ipsi- and contralateral inputs at the Medial Superior Olive. Yarmo Mackenbach, Gerard Borst en Marcel van der Heijden (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam)
  • 15:20 An Evaluation of A Psychoacoustic Model of The Changing-state Hypothesis. Toros Senan, Armin Kohlrausch (Eindhoven)


Auditory Seminar 29 March 2019, Dr. Thomas Koelewijn, VU University Medical Center

The effect of attention and reward on the pupil dilation response during speech processing in noise

Dr. Thomas Koelewijn
Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
VU University Medical Center

Date: 29 March 2019, FRIDAY
Time: 14:00
Location: P2.246, Blauwe Patio, UMCG
Broadcasting link: http://tinyurl.com/29-03-19-AudSeminar
Organized by: Drs. Leanne Nagels


Following a conversation in a noisy environment is often effortful, especially for people with a hearing impairment. The pupil dilation response is a well-validated measure to quantify mental effort. Studies show larger pupil dilations in response to more challenging listening conditions (e.g. with interfering speech) compared to easier listening situations (stationary noise). Recent research shows that processes like working-memory, attention, and extrinsic motivation are associated with the pupil dilation response. In this talk, I will briefly introduce pupillometry as a method for quantifying listening effort and I will show results of recent studies on the effect of attention and reward on the pupil dilation response during speech processing in noise. To what degree processes affect cognitive load differently in people with hearing loss compared to normally hearing adults with acquired brain injury will be addressed as well.

Auditory Seminar 9 November 2018: Dr. Rebecca Schaefer, Leiden University


Musical rhythm perception and movement: Neural, cognitive and kinematic findings

Dr. Rebecca Schaefer
Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC)
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Leiden University

Date: 09 November 2018, FRIDAY
Location: UMCG, KNO Colloquium P3.210
Broadcasting link:  https://tinyurl.com/09-11-2018-AuditorySeminar
Organized by: Elif Kaplan (for inquiries: e.c.kaplan@umcg.nl)

Moving to music is not only intuitive, automatic, and often enjoyable; it also has great clinical potential, for instance in movement rehabilitation. However, the underlying mechanisms of cueing movement with musical rhythm, or indeed the effects of auditory cueing on learning a new movement, are still largely unknown. To better design effective clinical interventions, more knowledge is needed focusing on how to optimise opportunities for movement learning. This includes considering specific aspects of the musical cues that may matter, taking into account the difficulty or complexity of the movement, and the cognitive resources that may be needed to adequately make use of this cue. I will give a brief overview of some recent work focusing on this topic, using measures of neural function, cognitive functioning and movement registration.

Vocal Communication Workshop (VoCoGro), 29 October 2018

Vocal Communication Workshop (VoCoGro)
29 October 2018
UMCG Rode Zaal

‘Vocal Communication’ Workshop (VoCoGro), will take place on Monday, October 29, 2018 at the UMCG. The workshop will serve as a kick-off event for Deniz’s VICI grant, “It takes two to communicate: Voice perception and linguistic content,” and Terrin’s VENI grant, “More than words: Uncovering the effects of talkers’ voices on real-life speech perception by cochlear implant users.” Many outstanding researchers will give lectures on vocal communication in humans, animals, and robots.

Join us for a day full of wonderful scientific discussions.

Confirmed speakers include:
Jan Wouters, University of Leuven, Belgium
Carolyn McGettigan, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Khiet Truong, University of Twente, Netherlands
Marco Gamba, University of Torino, Italy
Anara Sandygulova, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Roger K. Moore, University of Sheffield, UK
Ella Z. Lattenkamp, Max Planck Institute, NL

Event Details:
Date: Monday, 29 October 2018
Time: 9:30-17:00
Location: Rode Zaal, UMCG, Groningen, Netherlands

To sign up:

For further information please contact:
Dr. Terrin Tamati, t.n.tamati@umcg.nl

Organizing Committee:
Terrin Tamati
Etienne Gaudrain
Leanne Nagels
Floor Arts
Deniz Başkent

Deniz nominated for the Huibregtsen Prize

The announcement from RUG website:

Deniz Başkent, Professor of Auditory Perception attached to the ear, nose and throat department (KNO) of the University Medical Center Groningen /Faculty of Medical Sciences, is one of six nominees for the 2018 Huibregtsen Prize . Jury chair Wim van Saarloos (president of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) will announce the winner on 8 October 2018 at the Evening of Science and Society in the Ridderzaal in The Hague.

Deniz Başkent researches the role played by cognitive aspects in speech perception and how brain training can compensate for hearing impairment. She heads multidisciplinary research teams of behavioural and cognitive scientists and researchers with a technical background. She maintains unique collaborations with users of hearing aids and cochlear implants, with the manufacturers of these aids, and with local and international researchers. A notable feature of her work is the close link between her research and its application. The jury described Başkent’s work as being especially relevant for users of cochlear implants, which replace normal acoustic hearing with electrical hearing.

Huibregtsen Prize

The Huibregtsen Prize, named after Wouter Huibregtsen, was established in 2005 by the board of the Stichting De Avond van Wetenschap & Maatschappij (Evening of Science and Society Foundation). The prize goes to a recent research project that is scientifically innovative and with clear relevance to society. A maximum of six projects are nominated each year, one of which is ultimately awarded the Huibregtsen Prize. The principles guiding the jury’s choice were scientific excellence, a departure from the beaten track, originality and greater societal relevance than might be expected within the discipline. The prize will be awarded at the Evening of Science and Society in the Ridderzaal in The Hague. It consists of a sculpture, ‘The Thinker’ by visual artist Wil van der Laan, a sum of €25,000 that is earmarked for research activities, and a workshop offered by the Lorentz Center in Leiden.

Evening of Science and Society

The Evening of Science and Society was established in 2000 to emphasize the importance of science for society by showing where and how scientific research finds applications in daily life. Leading scientists and prominent figures from other sectors of society will debate topics sparked by scientific research.

More information
Information about Deniz Başkent’s research can be found in the following articles from KennisInZicht, the UMCG’s scientific magazine:

Information about the VICI grant awarded to Deniz Başkent in 2017 by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) can be found in the following report: